
C++如何拷贝vector?对于数组拷贝, 除了迭代方法(即运行循环以在相应索引处拷贝每个元素)外, 没有太多选择将数组拷贝到其他数组中。但是vector类有不止一种方法以更简单的方式将整个vector拷贝到其他类中,所以对于C++拷贝vector,常见的是拷贝vector的5种方法,下面我们来详细介绍这5种方法:
方法1:迭代方法此方法是一种通用的C++拷贝vector的方法, 该方法使用循环将push_back()的旧vector元素转换为vector, 并实现了C++ vector的深拷贝

// C++ code to demonstrate copy of vector // by iterative method. #include< iostream> #include< vector> using namespace std; int main() { // Initializing vector with values vector< int > vect1{1, 2, 3, 4}; // Declaring new vector vector< int > vect2; // A loop to copy elements of // old vector into new vector // by Iterative method for ( int i=0; i< vect1.size(); i++) vect2.push_back(vect1[i]); cout < < "Old vector elements are : " ; for ( int i=0; i< vect1.size(); i++) cout < < vect1[i] < < " " ; cout < < endl; cout < < "New vector elements are : " ; for ( int i=0; i< vect2.size(); i++) cout < < vect2[i] < < " " ; cout< < endl; // Changing value of vector to show that a new // copy is created. vect1[0] = 2; cout < < "The first element of old vector is :" ; cout < < vect1[0] < < endl; cout < < "The first element of new vector is :" ; cout < < vect2[0] < < endl; return 0; }

Old vector elements are : 1 2 3 4 New vector elements are : 1 2 3 4 The first element of old vector is : 2 The first element of new vector is : 1

在上面的代码中, 更改一个vector的值不会更改另一vector的值, 因此它们不会分配在同一地址, 因此具有vector深拷贝。
方法2:使用"="赋值运算符C++如何拷贝vector?第二种方法是使用"="赋值运算符。只需将新vector分配给旧vector即可拷贝该vector。在数组的情况下, 这种分配方式是不可能的。
// C++ code to demonstrate copy of vector // by iterative method. #include< iostream> #include< vector> using namespace std; int main() { // Initializing vector with values vector< int > vect1{1, 2, 3, 4}; // Declaring new vector vector< int > vect2; // Using assignment operator to copy one // vector to other vect2 = vect1; cout < < "Old vector elements are : " ; for ( int i=0; i< vect1.size(); i++) cout < < vect1[i] < < " " ; cout < < endl; cout < < "New vector elements are : " ; for ( int i=0; i< vect2.size(); i++) cout < < vect2[i] < < " " ; cout< < endl; // Changing value of vector to show that a new // copy is created. vect1[0] = 2; cout < < "The first element of old vector is :" ; cout < < vect1[0] < < endl; cout < < "The first element of new vector is :" ; cout < < vect2[0] < < endl; return 0; }

Old vector elements are : 1 2 3 4 New vector elements are : 1 2 3 4 The first element of old vector is : 2 The first element of new vector is : 1

方法3:将vector作为构造函数传递C++如何拷贝vector的第三种方法是使用构造函数,将vector作为构造函数的参数进行传递,最后实现C++拷贝vector。在声明vector时, 传递旧的初始化vector, 将传递的vector的元素拷贝到新声明的vector中,它们被深拷贝。
// C++ code to demonstrate copy of vector // by constructor method. #include< bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { // Initializing vector with values vector< int > vect1{1, 2, 3, 4}; // Declaring new vector and copying // element of old vector // constructor method, Deep copy vector< int > vect2(vect1); cout < < "Old vector elements are : " ; for ( int i=0; i< vect1.size(); i++) cout < < vect1[i] < < " " ; cout < < endl; cout < < "New vector elements are : " ; for ( int i=0; i< vect2.size(); i++) cout < < vect2[i] < < " " ; cout< < endl; // Changing value of vector to show that a new // copy is created. vect1[0] = 2; cout < < "The first element of old vector is :" ; cout < < vect1[0] < < endl; cout < < "The first element of new vector is :" ; cout < < vect2[0] < < endl; return 0; }

Old vector elements are : 1 2 3 4 New vector elements are : 1 2 3 4 The first element of old vector is :2 The first element of new vector is :1

方法4:通过使用内置函数copycopy(first_iterator_o, last_iterator_o, back_inserter()):这是将旧vector拷贝到新vector的另一种方法。这个函数有3个参数,第一个是旧vector的第一个迭代器,第二个是旧vector的最后一个迭代器,第三个是用于从back插入值的back_inserter函数。这也生成了一个vector深拷贝。
// C++ code to demonstrate copy of vector // by assign() and copy(). #include< iostream> #include< vector> // for vector #include< algorithm> // for copy() and assign() #include< iterator> // for back_inserter using namespace std; int main() { // Initializing vector with values vector< int > vect1{1, 2, 3, 4}; // Declaring new vector vector< int > vect2; // Copying vector by copy function copy(vect1.begin(), vect1.end(), back_inserter(vect2)); cout < < "Old vector elements are : " ; for ( int i=0; i< vect1.size(); i++) cout < < vect1[i] < < " " ; cout < < endl; cout < < "New vector elements are : " ; for ( int i=0; i< vect2.size(); i++) cout < < vect2[i] < < " " ; cout< < endl; // Changing value of vector to show that a new // copy is created. vect1[0] = 2; cout < < "The first element of old vector is :" ; cout < < vect1[0] < < endl; cout < < "The first element of new vector is :" ; cout < < vect2[0] < < endl; return 0; }

Old vector elements are : 1 2 3 4 New vector elements are : 1 2 3 4 The first element of old vector is :2 The first element of new vector is :1

方法4:使用函数assign函数assign(first_iterator_o, last_iterator_o):此方法为新vector分配与旧vector相同的值。这需要2个参数, 第一个参数旧vector迭代器开始, 最后一个参数是旧vector迭代器结束, 这会生成一个vector深拷贝。
// C++ code to demonstrate copy of vector // by assign() #include< iostream> #include< vector> // for vector #include< algorithm> // for copy() and assign() #include< iterator> // for back_inserter using namespace std; int main() { // Initializing vector with values vector< int > vect1{1, 2, 3, 4}; // Declaring another vector vector< int > vect2; // Copying vector by assign function vect2.assign(vect1.begin(), vect1.end()); cout < < "Old vector elements are : " ; for ( int i=0; i< vect1.size(); i++) cout < < vect1[i] < < " " ; cout < < endl; cout < < "New vector elements are : " ; for ( int i=0; i< vect2.size(); i++) cout < < vect2[i] < < " " ; cout< < endl; // Changing value of vector to show that a new // copy is created. vect1[0] = 2; cout < < "The first element of old vector is :" ; cout < < vect1[0] < < endl; cout < < "The first element of new vector is :" ; cout < < vect2[0] < < endl; return 0; }

Old vector elements are : 1 2 3 4 New vector elements are : 1 2 3 4 The first element of old vector is :2 The first element of new vector is :1

C++如何拷贝vector?以上就是关于C++拷贝vector的5种方法了,包含用法解析和详细示例。这拷贝vector的5种方法是我们在C++开发中常见的方法,而对vector的拷贝也是常遇到的。学会并理解这些拷贝用法可以让我们的开发更顺利,希望本文对你有所帮助,如果发现任何不正确的地方, 或者想分享有关上述主题的更多信息, 请在下方评论。
