轻松一刻(Go 1.18修复了一个经典bug)

前言 大家在写Go的时候,初期应该都会遇到过下面的编译报错:
declared but not used
// example2.go
package main
func main() {

a := 10 a = 1

执行 go run example2.go,会报如下编译错误:
./example2.go:5:2: a declared but not used
原因 上面的报错,实际上是因为对于标准Go编译器,局部变量必须至少有一次被作为右值(r-value: right-hand-side-value)使用过。
我们来看一个新的例子,大家觉得下面的代码,执行go run example2.go的结果是什么?
// example2.go
package main
func main() {
a := 10 func() { a = 1 }()

结论 按理来说,上面的示例里头,局部变量a在闭包里没有被作为右值使用过,还是应该会编译报错”declared but not used“。
但是大家知道么,Go标准编译器对于”declared but not used“这样的检查,也会有bug。
从Go1.18版本开始,解决了局部变量在闭包里没被使用但是编译器不报错的bug,Go1.18开始编译会报错”declared but not used“。
The Go 1.18 compiler now correctly reports "declared but not used" errors
for variables that are set inside a function literal but are never used. Before Go 1.18,
the compiler did not report an error in such cases. This fixes long-outstanding compiler
issue #8560. As a result of this change,
(possibly incorrect) programs may not compile anymore. The necessary fix is
straightforward: fix the program if it was in fact incorrect, or use the offending
variable, for instance by assigning it to the blank identifier _.
Since go vet always pointed out this error, the number of affected
programs is likely very small.
关于这个bug修改的讨论,感兴趣的可以参考cmd/compile: consistently report "declared but not used" errors· Issue #49214。
开源地址 知乎上分享的所有Go知识和代码都开源在:https://github.com/jincheng9/...
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