使用|使用 Django Q 对象构建复杂的查询

from django.db import modelsclass Question(models.Model): text = models.CharField(max_length=200) pub_date = models.DateTimeField('published_date')def __unicode__(self): return self.text

先在 settings.py 中进行设置:
TIME_ZONE = 'Asia/Shanghai'LANGUAGE_CODE = 'zh-CN'

>>> Question.objects.create( text='what are you doing', pub_date=datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 7) ) >>> Question.objects.create( text='what is wrong with you', pub_date=datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 7) ) >>> Question.objects.create( text='who are you', pub_date=datetime.datetime(2015, 10, 7) ) >>> Question.objects.create( text='who am i', pub_date=datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 7) ) >>> Question.objects.all() [, , , ]

AND 【使用|使用 Django Q 对象构建复杂的查询】将多个 Q 对象作为非关键字参数或使用 & 联结即可实现 AND 查询:
>>> from django.db.models import Q# Q(...) >>> Question.objects.filter(Q(text__contains = 'you')) [, , ]# Q(...), Q(...) >>> Question.objects.filter(Q(text__contains = 'you'), Q(text__contains = 'what')) [, ]# Q(...) & Q(...) >>> Question.objects.filter(Q(text__contains = 'you') & Q(text__contains = 'what')) [, ]

OR 使用 | 联结两个 Q 对象即可实现 OR 查询:
# Q(...) | Q(...) >>> Question.objects.filter(Q(text__contains = 'you') | Q(text__contains = 'who')) [, , , ]

NOT 使用 ~ 即可实现 NOT 查询:
# ~Q(...) >>> Question.objects.filter(~Q(text__contains = 'you')) []

>>> Question.objects.filter(text != '')

# exclude >>> Question.objects.exclude(text = '') [, , , ]# ~Q(...) >>> Question.objects.filter(~Q(text = '')) [, , , ]

Q 对象与关键字参数共用 Q 对象可以结合关键字参数一起传递给查询函数,不过需要注意的是要将Q 对象放在关键字参数的前面:
# Q(...), key=value >>> Question.objects.filter(Q(text__contains = 'you'), text__contains = 'who') []

OR,AND,NOT 多条件自由组合
# (A OR B) AND C AND (NOT D) >>> Question.objects.filter((Q(text__contains = 'you') | Q(text__contains = 'who')) & Q(text__contains = 'what') & ~Q(text__contains = 'are')) []

动态构建查询条件 比如定义了一个包含一些 Q 对象的列表,那么如何使用这个列表构建 ANDOR 查询呢? 可以使用 operatorreduce
>>> import operator >>> q_list = [Q(text__contains = 'you'), Q(text__contains = 'who')]# OR >>> Question.objects.filter(reduce(operator.or_, q_list)) [, , , ]# AND >>> Question.objects.filter(reduce(operator.and_, q_list)) []

q = request.GET.get('q', '').strip() q_list = [] if q: for key in ['title__contains', 'content__contains', 'author__contains']: q_list.append(Q(**{key: q})) queryset = Entry.objects.filter(reduce(operator.or_, q_list))
