Python具有跟踪栏的OpenCV BGR调色板

在本文中, 我们将创建一个窗口, 其中将包含带有轨迹栏的RGB调色板。通过移动轨迹栏, ” RGB颜色” 的值会将b/w 0更改为255。因此, 使用该颜色, 我们可以找到具有RGB值的颜色。

Libraries needed: OpenCV Numpy

创建一个具有三个颜色通道的黑色窗口, 分辨率为512 x512。然后使用OpenCV库的预定义功能创建三个” B” , ” G” , ” R” 轨迹栏。在0到255之间设置通道的值。将黑色窗口与这些颜色轨迹栏合并。
# Python program to create RGB color # palette with trackbars # importing libraries import cv2 import numpy as np# empty function called when # any trackbar moves def emptyFunction(): passdef main():# blackwindow having 3 color chanels image = np.zeros(( 512 , 512 , 3 ), np.uint8) windowName = "Open CV Color Palette"# window name cv2.namedWindow(windowName) # there trackbars which have the name # of trackbars min and max value cv2.createTrackbar( 'Blue' , windowName, 0 , 255 , emptyFunction) cv2.createTrackbar( 'Green' , windowName, 0 , 255 , emptyFunction) cv2.createTrackbar( 'Red' , windowName, 0 , 255 , emptyFunction)# Used to open the window # till press the ESC key while ( True ): cv2.imshow(windowName, image)if cv2.waitKey( 1 ) = = 27 : break# values of blue, green, red blue = cv2.getTrackbarPos( 'Blue' , windowName) green = cv2.getTrackbarPos( 'Green' , windowName) red = cv2.getTrackbarPos( 'Red' , windowName)# merge all three color chanels and # make the image composites image from rgb image[:] = [blue, green, red] print (blue, green, red)cv2.destroyAllWindows()# Calling main() if __name__ = = "__main__" : main()

Python具有跟踪栏的OpenCV BGR调色板

【Python具有跟踪栏的OpenCV BGR调色板】首先, 你的面试准备可通过以下方式增强你的数据结构概念:Python DS课程。
