
我有一个包含使用过滤器(ALL, NEW, OLD)显示类别的投资组合的主题。但是, 在加载时, 我希望将特定(“ 新” )类别显示为” 唯一” 类别。
然后, 如果用户希望查看过去的产品, 则可以单击” 旧” , 依此类推。
请记住, 我将创建另一个投资组合, 并且投资组合的新项目将仅在加载时显示。
我已经尝试了好几个小时才能找到答案, 但还没有找到答案。

< ?php /** * Taxonomy Template for the Portfolios */ ?> < ?php get_header(); ?> < ?phpif ( $post ) :$port = wp_get_post_terms( $post-> ID, array('portfolios') ); $portfolio = $port[0]; $post_img_width = ""; $post_img_height = ""; global $mav_data; // fetch options stored in $mav_data$portfolio_order_1 = $mav_data['portfolio_order_1']; // date, title $portfolio_order_2 = $mav_data['portfolio_order_2']; // ASC, DESC$tax_query[] = array( //'taxonomy' => $wp_query-> query_vars['taxonomy'], 'taxonomy' => 'portfolios', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => array( $portfolio-> slug ) ); $args = array( 'post_type'=> 'project', 'posts_per_page'=> -1, 'orderby' => $portfolio_order_1, 'order' => $portfolio_order_2, 'tax_query' => $tax_query ); $port_query = new WP_Query($args); ?> < ?php $tag_extra_fields = get_option('portfolios_fields'); $portfolio_layout = $tag_extra_fields[$portfolio-> term_id]['_portfolio_layout']; ?> < section id="content" class="portfolio one-column < ?php echo esc_attr( $portfolio_layout ); ?> " role="main"> < div class="wrapper clearfix"> < header class="page-header"> < h1 class="entry-title"> < ?php echo( $portfolio-> name ); ?> < /h1> < ?php if ($portfolio-> description) { ?> < p class="portfolio-header-description"> < ?php echo( $portfolio-> description ); ?> < /p> < ?php } ?> < ?php$temp = array(); foreach ( $posts as $post ) {$temp_args = array(); while ($port_query-> have_posts()) : $port_query-> the_post(); // the loop begins, we need it here. It's important!!$temp_cats = wp_get_object_terms( $post-> ID, 'project_category'/*, $args*/ ); if ( $temp_cats ) { foreach ( $temp_cats as $temp_cat ) { if ( ! in_array( $temp_cat-> slug, $temp ) ) { $temp[] = $temp_cat-> slug; $categories[] = $temp_cat; } } }endwhile; }// DAHEX $temp = array(); if(!empty($categories)) { foreach ( $categories as $category ) { $temp[] = array ('term_id'=> $category-> term_id, 'name'=> $category-> name, 'slug'=> $category-> slug, 'term_group'=> $category-> term_group, 'term_taxonomy_id'=> $category-> term_taxonomy_id, 'taxonomy'=> $category-> taxonomy, 'description'=> $category-> description, 'parent'=> $category-> parent, 'count'=> $category-> count); } }usort($temp, array(new Sorter('slug'), 'sort')); // Sorting Array by slug$categories = array(); foreach ( $temp as $category ){ $categories[] =(object) $category; } // DAHEXif(!empty($categories)) {if(!is_wp_error( $categories )){echo( '< ul id="filters" class="option-set"> < li> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/#" data-filter="*" class="show-all selected"> All< /a> < /li> ' ); foreach ( $categories as $category ) { echo '< li> < span class="sep"> /< /span> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/#' . $category-> slug . '" data-filter=".' . $category-> slug . '"> ' . $category-> name . '< /a> < /li> '; }echo( '< /ul> < !-- /end #filters --> ' ); } else { echo '< span class="ooops"> '; _e( 'Ooops! nothing found...', 'mav_framework' ); echo '< /span> '; } } ?> < /header> < !-- /end .page-header --> < section id="projects"> < ?php while ($port_query-> have_posts()) : $port_query-> the_post(); // the loop begins $terms = get_the_terms( get_the_ID(), 'project_category' ); $terms = $terms == false ? array() : $terms; ?> < ?php $custom = get_post_custom($post-> ID); $portfolio_permalink = $custom["project_permalink"][0]; $portfolio_desc = $custom["project_desc"][0]; if ( !isset( $lightbox_path ) ) { $lightbox_path = ''; }// Prepare Project Image Thumb $project_img = $custom["project_img"][0]; $project_img_ID = $custom['project_img_ID'][0]; // Need some proof check to ensure that no "notice" is thrown ... if ( ! empty( $portfolio ) ) {$term_slug = $portfolio-> slug; if ( isset( $custom["lightbox_path"][0] ) ) { $lightbox_path = $custom["lightbox_path"][0]; } else { $lightbox_path = ''; }$empty_thumb = '< img class="portfolios_single_thumb portfolio-image" src="' . get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/thumb.png" width="' . $post_img_width . '" height="' . $post_img_height . '" alt="' . $post-> post_title . '" /> '; if ( isset( $project_img_ID ) ) {if ( is_numeric( $project_img_ID ) ) {$thumb_ID = $project_img_ID; $thumb = wp_get_attachment_image( $thumb_ID, 'mav-thumbnails', false, array( 'class' => 'portfolios_post_image_thumb portfolio-image', 'alt' => $post-> post_title ) ); if ( empty ($thumb) ) { $thumb = $empty_thumb; }} elseif( $project_img_ID != "" ) {$thumb = '< div class="project_iframe_thumb-$term_slug"> < iframe width="' . $post_img_width . '" height="' . $post_img_height . '" src="' . $project_img . '" title="' . $project_img_ID . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> < /iframe> < /div> '; } else {$thumb = $empty_thumb; }} else { $thumb = $empty_thumb; }} ?> < article id="project-< ?php the_ID(); ?> " class="element < ?php foreach ($terms as $term) { echo strtolower(preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', $term-> slug)). ' '; } ?> "> < ?php /** * Generate the Project Image (Thumb) */ if ( $lightbox_path != '' ) { ?> < figure class="thumb-container"> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_attr( $lightbox_path ); ?>" data-rel="prettyPhoto" title="< ?php the_title_attribute(); ?> "> < span class="overlay lightbox"> < /span> < ?php mav_framework_project_label( $post, array( 'portfolios-project-label' ) ); ?> < ?php echo( $thumb ); ?> < /a> < /figure> < !-- /end .thumb-container --> < ?php } elseif ($portfolio_permalink) { ?> < figure class="thumb-container"> < a target="_blank" href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_attr( $portfolio_permalink ); ?>" rel="bookmark"> < span class="overlay link"> < /span> < ?php mav_framework_project_label( $post, array( 'portfolios-project-label' ) ); ?> < ?php echo( $thumb ); ?> < /a> < /figure> < !-- /end .thumb-container --> < ?php } else { ?> < figure class="thumb-container"> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"> < span class="overlay"> < span class="view"> < ?php _e( 'View', 'mav_framework' ); ?> < /span> < /span> < ?php mav_framework_project_label( $post, array( 'portfolios-project-label' ) ); ?> < ?php echo( $thumb ); ?> < /a> < /figure> < !-- /end .thumb-container --> < ?php } // end Generate the Project Image (Thumb) ?> < h2 class="project-title"> < ?php if ($portfolio_permalink) { ?> < a target="_blank" href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_url( $portfolio_permalink ); ?>" rel="bookmark"> < ?php the_title(); ?> < /a> < ?php } else { ?> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"> < ?php the_title(); ?> < /a> < ?php } ?> < /h2> < ?php if ($portfolio_desc) { ?> < p class="project-description"> < ?php echo do_shortcode(stripslashes($portfolio_desc)); ?> < /p> < ?php } ?> < footer class="entry-meta"> < span class="posted-on"> < ?php _e( '< span class="posted-on-title"> Posted on: < /span> ', 'mav_framework' ); ?> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php the_permalink() ?>"> < ?php /* http://codex.wordpress.org/Formatting_Date_and_Time */ echo get_the_date('F j, Y'); ?> < /a> < /span> < !-- /end .posted-on --> < ?php $project_categories = wp_get_object_terms($post-> ID, 'project_category'); if ($project_categories) { ?> < span class="cat-links"> < ?php _e( '< span class="cat-links-title"> Category: < /span> ', 'mav_framework' ); $project_category = array(); foreach($project_categories as $category) { $project_category[] = '< a href="'.get_home_url().'/?project_category=' . $category-> slug . '"> ' . $category-> name . '< /a> '; } echo implode(', ', $project_category); ?> < /span> < !-- /end .cat-links --> < ?php } ?> < ?php // Project Tags $project_tags = wp_get_object_terms($post-> ID, 'project_tag'); if ($project_tags) { $project_tag = array(); foreach($project_tags as $tag) { $project_tag[] = '< a href="'.get_home_url().'/?project_tag=' . $tag-> slug . '"> ' . $tag-> name . '< /a> '; } ?> < span class="tag-links"> < ?php _e( '< span class="tag-links-title"> Tagged: < /span> ', 'mav_framework' ); ?> < ?php echo implode(', ', $project_tag); ?> < /span> < !-- /end .tag-links --> < ?php } ?> < /footer> < !-- /end .entry-meta --> < /article> < !-- /end #project-< ?php the_ID(); ?> .element --> < ?php endwhile; ?> < ?php wp_reset_query(); ?> < /section> < !-- /end #projects --> < /div> < !-- /end .wrapper --> < /section> < !-- /end #content --> < ?php endif; ?> < ?php /** * Add portfolio bottom quote */ if ( $mav_data['portfolio_quote_text'] ) : ?> < section id="portfolio-quote" class="clearfix"> < div class="wrapper clearfix"> < ?php get_template_part( 'inc/block_portfolio_quote' ); ?> < /div> < !-- /end .wrapper --> < /section> < !-- /end #portfolio-quote --> < ?php endif; ?> < ?php get_footer(); ?>

#1此问题与Wordpress本身无关, 但与你或主题用于对数据进行排序的插件无关。
【WordPress(使用过滤器在加载时显示特定类别)】在这种情况下, 它使用的是同位素, 这就是过滤你在页面上看到的结果的方法。
通过在过滤方面访问Isotope的文档, 我们看到可以通过功能或按钮来完成过滤, 在这种情况下, 我们将两者结合使用, 因为我们希望在单击时更改数据, 但同时它已经需要按照你的要求进行过滤。
因此, 要解决该问题, 它是同位素功能文件中的一行:
$container.isotope({ itemSelector : '.element', filter: '.workshops' });

除此之外, 你只需要破解你提供的代码, 即可将” selected” 类添加到按钮:
echo( '< ul id="filters" class="option-set"> < li> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/#" data-filter="*" class="show-all"> All< /a> < /li> ' ); foreach ( $categories as $category ) { ?> < li> < span class="sep"> /< /span> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/#< ?php echo $category-> slug; ?>" < ?php if($category-> slug == 'workshops'): echo 'class="selected"'; endif; ?> data-filter=".< ?php echo $category-> slug; ?> "> < ?php echo $category-> name; ?> < /a> < /li> < ?php }echo( '< /ul> ' );

  1. 如果你更改了子弹, 它将停止工作, 因为它正在检查” 车间” 类, 如果你这样做, 则需要编辑上面提供的代码;
  2. 同位素在主题的自定义jquery文件中被屏蔽, 这根本不是一个好习惯, 特别是对于维护问题。
