使用WordPress Avada子主题将主logo链接到自定义URL而不是首页()

当你在某些页面上时, 我正在尝试自定义Avada以将主站点徽标链接到自定义URL。我将logo.php复制到子主题中并添加了以下内容:

< ?php $standard_logo = Avada()-> images-> get_logo_image_srcset( 'logo', 'logo_retina' ); ?> < !-- custom standard logos --> < ?php //Binghamton if (is_page( array (194, 376, 534, 329, 499, 489, 479, 476, 467))) { $standard_logo['srcset'] = '/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/broadway-binghamton-logo.png'; $standard_logo['url'] = $standard_logo['srcset']; $retina_logo['srcset'] = '/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/broadway-binghamton-logo-retina.png'; $retina_logo['url'] = $standard_logo['srcset']; }//Erie if (is_page( array (248, 382, 589, 926, 1542, 1537, 1514))) { $standard_logo['srcset'] = '/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/broadway-erie-logo.png'; $standard_logo['url'] = $standard_logo['srcset']; $retina_logo['srcset'] = '/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/broadway-erie-logo.png'; $retina_logo['url'] = $standard_logo['srcset']; } ?> < !-- standard logo --> < img src="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_url_raw( $standard_logo['url'] ); ?> " srcset="< ?php echo esc_attr( $standard_logo['srcset'] ); ?> " width="< ?php echo esc_attr( $standard_logo['width'] ); ?> " height="< ?php echo esc_attr( $standard_logo['height'] ); ?> "< ?php echo $standard_logo['style']; // WPCS: XSS ok. ?> alt="< ?php echo esc_attr( $logo_alt_attribute ); ?> " retina_logo_url="< ?php echo esc_url_raw( $standard_logo['is_retina'] ); ?> " class="fusion-standard-logo" /> < ?php if ( Avada()-> settings-> get( 'mobile_logo', 'url' ) & & '' !== Avada()-> settings-> get( 'mobile_logo', 'url' ) ) { $mobile_logo = Avada()-> images-> get_logo_image_srcset( 'mobile_logo', 'mobile_logo_retina' ); ?> < !-- custom mobile logos --> < ?php //Binghamton if (is_page( array (194, 376, 534, 329, 499, 489, 479, 476, 467))) { $mobile_logo['srcset'] = '/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/broadway-binghamton-logo.png'; $mobile_logo['url'] = $mobile_logo['srcset']; }//Erie if (is_page( array (248, 382, 589, 926, 1542, 1537, 1514))) { $mobile_logo['srcset'] = '/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/broadway-erie-logo.png'; $mobile_logo['url'] = $mobile_logo['srcset']; } ?> < !-- mobile logo --> < img src="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_url_raw( $mobile_logo['url'] ); ?> " srcset="< ?php echo esc_attr( $mobile_logo['srcset'] ); ?> " width="< ?php echo esc_attr( $mobile_logo['width'] ); ?> " height="< ?php echo esc_attr( $mobile_logo['height'] ); ?> "< ?php echo $mobile_logo['style']; // WPCS: XSS ok. ?> alt="< ?php echo esc_attr( $logo_alt_attribute ); ?> " retina_logo_url="< ?php echo esc_url_raw( $mobile_logo['is_retina'] ); ?> " class="fusion-mobile-logo" /> < ?php } ?>

可以更改徽标以匹配正确的城市, 但是我需要将城市徽标链接到城市页面, 而不是首页。
http://nac.flywheelsites.com/broadway-in-binghamton/显示Binghamton徽标, 但当前链接回http://nac.flywheelsites.com/。
$standard_logo['/broadway-in-binghamton/'] = $standard_logo['srcset'];

【使用WordPress Avada子主题将主logo链接到自定义URL而不是首页()】但我认为那是不对的。类似的问题说要进入header.php文件并找到你的徽标类, 但是此主题不会将其存储在那里。有没有办法在logo.php文件中插入自定义URL?
#1你提供的代码仅与< img> 有关。当我检查你的网站时, 我看到两个徽标(正常和视网膜)都包裹在链接中:< a class=” fusion-logo-link” href=http://www.srcmini.com/” http://nac.flywheelsites.com/” > 。你需要找到该链接的来源(可能是header.php)。
Avada是一个巨大的主题, 可能有一个徽标链接过滤器可用于更改它。我不太会使用Avada, 建议你问他们。
add_filter('avada_logo_anchor_tag_attributes', 'broadway_logo_link_modify'); function broadway_logo_link_modify() {$link = esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); if (is_page( array (248, 382, 589, 926, 1542, 1537, 1514))) { $link = 'http://nac.flywheelsites.com/broadway-in-binghamton/'; }// another option with which you don't have to add every page id $current_url = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (strpos($current_url, 'http://nac.flywheelsites.com/broadway-in-binghamton/') !== false) { $link = 'http://nac.flywheelsites.com/broadway-in-binghamton/'; }$link_arr = array( 'class' => 'fusion-logo-link', 'href' => $link, ); return $link_arr; }

当然, 你必须扩展代码片段以适合你的需求, 但是你会明白的。将其放在你的functions.php(不是logo.php)中。
