Java ASM系列((053)opcode: math)

冲天香阵透长安,满城尽带黄金甲。这篇文章主要讲述Java ASM系列:(053)opcode: math相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。
本文属于Java ASM系列二:OPCODE当中的一篇。
对于《java ASM系列二:OPCODE》有配套的视频讲解,可以点击这里和这里进行查看;同时,也可以点击这里查看源码资料。
1. 概览从Instruction的角度来说,与math相关的opcode有52个,内容如下:

opcode mnemonic symbol opcode mnemonic symbol opcode mnemonic symbol opcode mnemonic symbol
96 iadd 109 ldiv 122 ishr 135 i2d
97 ladd 110 fdiv 123 lshr 136 l2i
98 fadd 111 ddiv 124 iushr 137 l2f
99 dadd 112 irem 125 lushr 138 l2d
100 isub 113 lrem 126 iand 139 f2i
101 lsub 114 frem 127 land 140 f2l
102 fsub 115 drem 128 ior 141 f2d
103 dsub 116 ineg 129 lor 142 d2i
104 imul 117 lneg 130 ixor 143 d2l
105 lmul 118 fneg 131 lxor 144 d2f
106 fmul 119 dneg 132 iinc 145 i2b
107 dmul 120 ishl 133 i2l 146 i2c
108 idiv 121 lshl 134 i2f 147 i2s
  • MethodVisitor.visitInsn():
    • iadd, isub, imul, idiv, irem, ineg
    • ladd, lsub, lmul, ldiv, lrem, lneg
    • fadd, fsub, fmul, fdiv, frem, fneg
    • dadd, dsub, dmul, ddiv, drem, dneg
    • ishl, ishr, iushr, iand, ior, ixor (int类型的位操作)
    • lshl, lshr, lushr, land, lor, lxor (long类型的位操作)
    • i2l, i2f, i2d, i2b, i2c, i2s
    • l2i, l2f, l2d
    • f2i, f2l, f2d
    • d2i, d2l, d2f
  • MethodVisitor.visitIincInsn(): iinc
2. Arithmetic 2.1. int: add/sub/mul/div/rem
public class HelloWorld { public void test() { int a = 1; int b = 2; int c = a + b; } }

$ javap -c sample.HelloWorld Compiled from "" public class sample.HelloWorld { ... public void test(); Code: 0: iconst_1 1: istore_1 2: iconst_2 3: istore_2 4: iload_1 5: iload_2 6: iadd 7: istore_3 8: return }

methodVisitor.visitCode(); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ICONST_1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 1); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ICONST_2); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 2); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 2); methodVisitor.visitInsn(IADD); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 3); methodVisitor.visitInsn(RETURN); methodVisitor.visitMaxs(2, 4); methodVisitor.visitEnd();

从Frame的视角来看,local variable和operand stack的变化:
// {this} | {} 0000: iconst_1// {this} | {int} 0001: istore_1// {this, int} | {} 0002: iconst_2// {this, int} | {int} 0003: istore_2// {this, int, int} | {} 0004: iload_1// {this, int, int} | {int} 0005: iload_2// {this, int, int} | {int, int} 0006: iadd// {this, int, int} | {int} 0007: istore_3// {this, int, int, int} | {} 0008: return// {} | {}

从JVM规范的角度来看,iadd指令对应的Operand Stack的变化如下:
..., value1, value2 →..., result

2.2. long: add/sub/mul/div/rem
public class HelloWorld { public void test() { long a = 1; long b = 2; long c = a + b; } }

$ javap -c sample.HelloWorld Compiled from "" public class sample.HelloWorld { ... public void test(); Code: 0: lconst_1 1: lstore_1 2: ldc2_w#2// long 2l 5: lstore_3 6: lload_1 7: lload_3 8: ladd 9: lstore5 11: return }

methodVisitor.visitCode(); methodVisitor.visitInsn(LCONST_1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(LSTORE, 1); methodVisitor.visitLdcInsn(new Long(2L)); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(LSTORE, 3); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(LLOAD, 1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(LLOAD, 3); methodVisitor.visitInsn(LADD); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(LSTORE, 5); methodVisitor.visitInsn(RETURN); methodVisitor.visitMaxs(4, 7); methodVisitor.visitEnd();

从Frame的视角来看,local variable和operand stack的变化:
// {this} | {} 0000: lconst_1// {this} | {long, top} 0001: lstore_1// {this, long, top} | {} 0002: ldc2_w#2// {this, long, top} | {long, top} 0005: lstore_3// {this, long, top, long, top} | {} 0006: lload_1// {this, long, top, long, top} | {long, top} 0007: lload_3// {this, long, top, long, top} | {long, top, long, top} 0008: ladd// {this, long, top, long, top} | {long, top} 0009: lstore5// {this, long, top, long, top, long, top} | {} 0011: return// {} | {}

从JVM规范的角度来看,ladd指令对应的Operand Stack的变化如下:
..., value1, value2 →..., result

Both value1 and value2 must be of type long. The values are popped from the operand stack. The long result is value1 + value2. The result is pushed onto the operand stack.
2.3. int: ineg
public class HelloWorld { public void test() { int a = 1; int b = -a; } }

$ javap -c sample.HelloWorld Compiled from "" public class sample.HelloWorld { ... public void test(); Code: 0: iconst_1 1: istore_1 2: iload_1 3: ineg 4: istore_2 5: return }

methodVisitor.visitCode(); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ICONST_1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 1); methodVisitor.visitInsn(INEG); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 2); methodVisitor.visitInsn(RETURN); methodVisitor.visitMaxs(1, 3); methodVisitor.visitEnd();

从Frame的视角来看,local variable和operand stack的变化:
// {this} | {} 0000: iconst_1// {this} | {int} 0001: istore_1// {this, int} | {} 0002: iload_1// {this, int} | {int} 0003: ineg// {this, int} | {int} 0004: istore_2// {this, int, int} | {} 0005: return// {} | {}

从JVM规范的角度来看,ineg指令对应的Operand Stack的变化如下:
..., value →..., result

The value must be of type int. It is popped from the operand stack. The int result is the arithmetic negation of value, -value. The result is pushed onto the operand stack.
2.4. long: lneg
public class HelloWorld { public void test() { long a = 1; long b = -a; } }

$ javap -c sample.HelloWorld Compiled from "" public class sample.HelloWorld { ... public void test(); Code: 0: lconst_1 1: lstore_1 2: lload_1 3: lneg 4: lstore_3 5: return }

methodVisitor.visitCode(); methodVisitor.visitInsn(LCONST_1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(LSTORE, 1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(LLOAD, 1); methodVisitor.visitInsn(LNEG); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(LSTORE, 3); methodVisitor.visitInsn(RETURN); methodVisitor.visitMaxs(2, 5); methodVisitor.visitEnd();

从Frame的视角来看,local variable和operand stack的变化:
// {this} | {} 0000: lconst_1// {this} | {long, top} 0001: lstore_1// {this, long, top} | {} 0002: lload_1// {this, long, top} | {long, top} 0003: lneg// {this, long, top} | {long, top} 0004: lstore_3// {this, long, top, long, top} | {} 0005: return// {} | {}

从JVM规范的角度来看,lneg指令对应的Operand Stack的变化如下:
..., value →..., result

The value must be of type long. It is popped from the operand stack. The long result is the arithmetic negation of value, -value. The result is pushed onto the operand stack.
3. int: iinc从Java语言的视角,有一个HelloWorld类,代码如下:
public class HelloWorld { public void test() { int i = 0; i++; i += 10; i -= 5; } }

$ javap -c sample.HelloWorld Compiled from "" public class sample.HelloWorld { ... public void test(); Code: 0: iconst_0 1: istore_1 2: iinc1, 1 5: iinc1, 10 8: iinc1, -5 11: return }

methodVisitor.visitCode(); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ICONST_0); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 1); methodVisitor.visitIincInsn(1, 1); methodVisitor.visitIincInsn(1, 10); methodVisitor.visitIincInsn(1, -5); methodVisitor.visitInsn(RETURN); methodVisitor.visitMaxs(1, 2); methodVisitor.visitEnd();

从Frame的视角来看,local variable和operand stack的变化:
// {this} | {} 0000: iconst_0// {this} | {int} 0001: istore_1// {this, int} | {} 0002: iinc11// {this, int} | {} 0005: iinc110// {this, int} | {} 0008: iinc1-5// {this, int} | {} 0011: return// {} | {}

从JVM规范的角度来看,iinc指令对应的Operand Stack的变化如下:
No change

4. Bit Shift 4.1. shift left
public class HelloWorld { public void test() { int a = 1; int b = 2; int c = a < < b; } }

$ javap -c sample.HelloWorld Compiled from "" public class sample.HelloWorld { ... public void test(); Code: 0: iconst_1 1: istore_1 2: iconst_2 3: istore_2 4: iload_1 5: iload_2 6: ishl 7: istore_3 8: return }

methodVisitor.visitCode(); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ICONST_1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 1); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ICONST_2); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 2); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 2); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ISHL); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 3); methodVisitor.visitInsn(RETURN); methodVisitor.visitMaxs(2, 4); methodVisitor.visitEnd();

从Frame的视角来看,local variable和operand stack的变化:
// {this} | {} 0000: iconst_1// {this} | {int} 0001: istore_1// {this, int} | {} 0002: iconst_2// {this, int} | {int} 0003: istore_2// {this, int, int} | {} 0004: iload_1// {this, int, int} | {int} 0005: iload_2// {this, int, int} | {int, int} 0006: ishl// {this, int, int} | {int} 0007: istore_3// {this, int, int, int} | {} 0008: return// {} | {}

从JVM规范的角度来看,ishl指令对应的Operand Stack的变化如下:
..., value1, value2 →..., result

Both value1 and value2 must be of type int. The values are popped from the operand stack. An int result is calculated by shifting value1 left by s bit positions, where s is the value of the low 5 bits of value2. The result is pushed onto the operand stack.
4.2. arithmetic shift right
public class HelloWorld { public void test() { int a = 1; int b = 2; int c = a > > b; } }

$ javap -c sample.HelloWorld Compiled from "" public class sample.HelloWorld { ... public void test(); Code: 0: iconst_1 1: istore_1 2: iconst_2 3: istore_2 4: iload_1 5: iload_2 6: ishr 7: istore_3 8: return }

methodVisitor.visitCode(); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ICONST_1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 1); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ICONST_2); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 2); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 2); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ISHR); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 3); methodVisitor.visitInsn(RETURN); methodVisitor.visitMaxs(2, 4); methodVisitor.visitEnd();

从Frame的视角来看,local variable和operand stack的变化:
// {this} | {} 0000: iconst_1// {this} | {int} 0001: istore_1// {this, int} | {} 0002: iconst_2// {this, int} | {int} 0003: istore_2// {this, int, int} | {} 0004: iload_1// {this, int, int} | {int} 0005: iload_2// {this, int, int} | {int, int} 0006: ishr// {this, int, int} | {int} 0007: istore_3// {this, int, int, int} | {} 0008: return// {} | {}

从JVM规范的角度来看,ishr指令对应的Operand Stack的变化如下:
..., value1, value2 →..., result

Both value1 and value2 must be of type int. The values are popped from the operand stack. An int result is calculated by shifting value1 right by s bit positions, with sign extension, where s is the value of the low 5 bits of value2. The result is pushed onto the operand stack.
4.3. logical shift right
public class HelloWorld { public void test() { int a = 1; int b = 2; int c = a > > > b; } }

$ javap -c sample.HelloWorld Compiled from "" public class sample.HelloWorld { ... public void test(); Code: 0: iconst_1 1: istore_1 2: iconst_2 3: istore_2 4: iload_1 5: iload_2 6: iushr 7: istore_3 8: return }

methodVisitor.visitCode(); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ICONST_1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 1); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ICONST_2); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 2); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 2); methodVisitor.visitInsn(IUSHR); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 3); methodVisitor.visitInsn(RETURN); methodVisitor.visitMaxs(2, 4); methodVisitor.visitEnd();

从Frame的视角来看,local variable和operand stack的变化:
// {this} | {} 0000: iconst_1// {this} | {int} 0001: istore_1// {this, int} | {} 0002: iconst_2// {this, int} | {int} 0003: istore_2// {this, int, int} | {} 0004: iload_1// {this, int, int} | {int} 0005: iload_2// {this, int, int} | {int, int} 0006: iushr// {this, int, int} | {int} 0007: istore_3// {this, int, int, int} | {} 0008: return// {} | {}

从JVM规范的角度来看,iushr指令对应的Operand Stack的变化如下:
..., value1, value2 →..., result

Both value1 and value2 must be of type int. The values are popped from the operand stack. An int result is calculated by shifting value1 right by s bit positions, with zero extension, where s is the value of the low 5 bits of value2. The result is pushed onto the operand stack.
5. Bit Logic 5.1. and
public class HelloWorld { public void test() { int a = 1; int b = 2; int c = a & b; } }

$ javap -c sample.HelloWorld Compiled from "" public class sample.HelloWorld { ... public void test(); Code: 0: iconst_1 1: istore_1 2: iconst_2 3: istore_2 4: iload_1 5: iload_2 6: iand 7: istore_3 8: return }

methodVisitor.visitCode(); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ICONST_1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 1); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ICONST_2); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 2); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 2); methodVisitor.visitInsn(IAND); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 3); methodVisitor.visitInsn(RETURN); methodVisitor.visitMaxs(2, 4); methodVisitor.visitEnd();

从Frame的视角来看,local variable和operand stack的变化:
// {this} | {} 0000: iconst_1// {this} | {int} 0001: istore_1// {this, int} | {} 0002: iconst_2// {this, int} | {int} 0003: istore_2// {this, int, int} | {} 0004: iload_1// {this, int, int} | {int} 0005: iload_2// {this, int, int} | {int, int} 0006: iand// {this, int, int} | {int} 0007: istore_3// {this, int, int, int} | {} 0008: return// {} | {}

从JVM规范的角度来看,iand指令对应的Operand Stack的变化如下:
..., value1, value2 →..., result

Both value1 and value2 must be of type int. They are popped from the operand stack. An int result is calculated by taking the bitwise AND (conjunction) of value1 and value2. The result is pushed onto the operand stack.
5.2. or
public class HelloWorld { public void test() { int a = 1; int b = 2; int c = a | b; } }

$ javap -c sample.HelloWorld Compiled from "" public class sample.HelloWorld { ... public void test(); Code: 0: iconst_1 1: istore_1 2: iconst_2 3: istore_2 4: iload_1 5: iload_2 6: ior 7: istore_3 8: return }

methodVisitor.visitCode(); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ICONST_1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 1); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ICONST_2); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 2); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 2); methodVisitor.visitInsn(IOR); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 3); methodVisitor.visitInsn(RETURN); methodVisitor.visitMaxs(2, 4); methodVisitor.visitEnd();

从Frame的视角来看,local variable和operand stack的变化:
// {this} | {} 0000: iconst_1// {this} | {int} 0001: istore_1// {this, int} | {} 0002: iconst_2// {this, int} | {int} 0003: istore_2// {this, int, int} | {} 0004: iload_1// {this, int, int} | {int} 0005: iload_2// {this, int, int} | {int, int} 0006: ior// {this, int, int} | {int} 0007: istore_3// {this, int, int, int} | {} 0008: return// {} | {}

从JVM规范的角度来看,ior指令对应的Operand Stack的变化如下:
..., value1, value2 →..., result

Both value1 and value2 must be of type int. They are popped from the operand stack. An int result is calculated by taking the bitwise inclusive OR of value1 and value2. The result is pushed onto the operand stack.
5.3. xor
public class HelloWorld { public void test() { int a = 1; int b = 2; int c = a ^ b; } }

$ javap -c sample.HelloWorld Compiled from "" public class sample.HelloWorld { ... public void test(); Code: 0: iconst_1 1: istore_1 2: iconst_2 3: istore_2 4: iload_1 5: iload_2 6: ixor 7: istore_3 8: return }

methodVisitor.visitCode(); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ICONST_1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 1); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ICONST_2); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 2); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 2); methodVisitor.visitInsn(IXOR); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 3); methodVisitor.visitInsn(RETURN); methodVisitor.visitMaxs(2, 4); methodVisitor.visitEnd();

从Frame的视角来看,local variable和operand stack的变化:
// {this} | {} 0000: iconst_1// {this} | {int} 0001: istore_1// {this, int} | {} 0002: iconst_2// {this, int} | {int} 0003: istore_2// {this, int, int} | {} 0004: iload_1// {this, int, int} | {int} 0005: iload_2// {this, int, int} | {int, int} 0006: ixor// {this, int, int} | {int} 0007: istore_3// {this, int, int, int} | {} 0008: return// {} | {}

从JVM规范的角度来看,ixor指令对应的Operand Stack的变化如下:
..., value1, value2 →..., result

Both value1 and value2 must be of type int. They are popped from the operand stack. An int result is calculated by taking the bitwise exclusive OR of value1 and value2. The result is pushed onto the operand stack.
5.4. not
public class HelloWorld { public void test() { int a = 0; int b = ~a; } }

$ javap -c sample.HelloWorld Compiled from "" public class sample.HelloWorld { ... public void test(); Code: 0: iconst_0 1: istore_1 2: iload_1 3: iconst_m1 4: ixor 5: istore_2 6: return }

methodVisitor.visitCode(); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ICONST_0); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 1); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ICONST_M1); methodVisitor.visitInsn(IXOR); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 2); methodVisitor.visitInsn(RETURN); methodVisitor.visitMaxs(2, 3); methodVisitor.visitEnd();

从Frame的视角来看,local variable和operand stack的变化:
// {this} | {} 0000: iconst_0// {this} | {int} 0001: istore_1// {this, int} | {} 0002: iload_1// {this, int} | {int} 0003: iconst_m1// {this, int} | {int, int} 0004: ixor// {this, int} | {int} 0005: istore_2// {this, int, int} | {} 0006: return// {} | {}

从JVM规范的角度来看,ixor指令对应的Operand Stack的变化如下:
..., value1, value2 →..., result

Both value1 and value2 must be of type int. They are popped from the operand stack. An int result is calculated by taking the bitwise exclusive OR of value1 and value2. The result is pushed onto the operand stack.
6. Type Conversion 6.1. int to long
public class HelloWorld { public void test() { int intValue =; long longValue = intValue; } }

$ javap -c sample.HelloWorld Compiled from "" public class sample.HelloWorld { ... public void test(); Code: 0: iconst_0 1: istore_1 2: iload_1 3: i2l 4: lstore_2 5: return }

methodVisitor.visitCode(); methodVisitor.visitInsn(ICONST_0); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 1); methodVisitor.visitInsn(I2L); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(LSTORE, 2); methodVisitor.visitInsn(RETURN); methodVisitor.visitMaxs(2, 4); methodVisitor.visitEnd();

从Frame的视角来看,local variable和operand stack的变化:
// {this} | {} 0000: iconst_0// {this} | {int} 0001: istore_1// {this, int} | {} 0002: iload_1// {this, int} | {int} 0003: i2l// {this, int} | {long, top} 0004: lstore_2// {this, int, long, top} | {} 0005: return// {} | {}

从JVM规范的角度来看,i2l指令对应的Operand Stack的变化如下:
..., value →..., result

The value on the top of the operand stack must be of type int. It is popped from the operand stack and sign-extended to a long result. That result is pushed onto the operand stack.
6.2. long to int
public class HelloWorld { public void test() { long longValue =; int intValue = (int) longValue; } }

$ javap -c sample.HelloWorld Compiled from "" public class sample.HelloWorld { ... public void test(); Code: 0: lconst_0 1: lstore_1 2: lload_1 3: l2i 4: istore_3 5: return }

methodVisitor.visitCode(); methodVisitor.visitInsn(LCONST_0); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(LSTORE, 1); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(LLOAD, 1); methodVisitor.visitInsn(L2I); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(ISTORE, 3); methodVisitor.visitInsn(RETURN); methodVisitor.visitMaxs(2, 4); methodVisitor.visitEnd();

从Frame的视角来看,local variable和operand stack的变化:
// {this} | {} 0000: lconst_0// {this} | {long, top} 0001: lstore_1// {this, long, top} | {} 0002: lload_1// {this, long, top} | {long, top} 0003: l2i// {this, long, top} | {int} 0004: istore_3// {this, long, top, int} | {} 0005: return// {} | {}

从JVM规范的角度来看,l2i指令对应的Operand Stack的变化如下:
..., value →..., result

【Java ASM系列((053)opcode: math)】The value on the top of the operand stack must be of type long. It is popped from the operand stack and converted to an int result by taking the low-order 32 bits of the long value and discarding the high-order 32 bits. The result is pushed onto the operand stack.
