

var d = {4: 5, "A key": "A value", 28: [1, 2, 3]}

要将键添加到现有字典, 请像现有键一样对其进行访问并分配给它:
d[4] = "hello"# Add integer four as a key and assign the string "hello" as its value.d["Godot"] = 3.01# Add String "Godot" as a key and assign the value 3.01 to it.

【字典-添加故事模板】这是处理库存管理之类的完美方法, 而不仅仅是库存管理, 我们可以做到的所有事情都是一个很好的用例。在这里, 我们了解到它如何对我们的游戏有帮助。
为了制作字典, 我们有一个名为My_ dictionary = {}的函数。
现在, 如果我们有一个数组, 那么也会有一个值。
my_array = [value1, value2]

如果我们有字典, 那么我们就有键值。
My_ dictionary = {key: value, key: value}

current_story = {prompt:[" ", " "], story:" "}

extends Controlvar player_words=[]var current_story = { "prompts":["a name", "a noun", "adverb", "adjective"], "story" : "It takes many %s deeds to build a %s reputation, and %s bad one to %s it."}onready var PlayerText= $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/PlayerTextonready var DisplayText= $VBoxContainer/DisplayTextfunc _ready(): DisplayText.text="Welcome all of u in the world of game and have a wondeful time!" check_player_words_length() PlayerText.grab_focus()func _on_PlayerText_text_entered(new_text): add_to_player_words()func _on_TextureButton_pressed(): if is_story_done():get_tree().reload_current_scene() else:add_to_player_words() func add_to_player_words(): player_words.append(PlayerText.text) DisplayText.text="" PlayerText.clear() check_player_words_length()func is_story_done(): return player_words.size() == current_story.prompts.size()func check_player_words_length(): if is_story_done():end_game() else:prompt_player()func tell_story(): DisplayText.text= current_story.story % player_wordsfunc prompt_player(): DisplayText.text += "May I have" +current_story.prompts[player_words.size()]+"please?"func end_game(): PlayerText.queue_free() $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/Label.text="Again!" tell_story()


之后, 完成故事。
extends Controlvar player_words=[]var template = [{ "prompts":["a name", "a noun", "adverb", "adjective"], "story" : "It takes many %s deeds to build a %s reputation, and %s bad one to %s it."}, {"story":"There once was %s called %s who searched far and wide for the mythical %s noun of %s.", "prompts": ["a noun", "a name", "an adjective", "another name"], }, {"story":"Once upon a time a %s ate a %s felt very %s. It was a %s day for all good %s.", "prompts": ["a name", "a thing", "a feeling", "another feeling", "some things"], }, {"story":"There once was %s called %s that lived as %s as a %s." , "prompts": ["a thing", "a name", "a descrition", "a thing"], }, {"story":"There once was %s called %s who searched far and wide for the mythical %s noun of %s.", "prompts": ["a noun", "a name", "an adjective", "another name"], }, {"story":"a Poem.\n\n1 I was a %s as can be, \n then we could call me %s, \n and i would talk to %s ", "prompts": ["a noun (a thing)", "an adjective(a description word)", "a person's name"], }, {"story":"Dear %s, I hope this letter finds we well. I have spent the past three weeks in %s researching the %s of donkies for my new book. I miss you hesitantly, and whenever i see a %s I think of u. ", "prompts": ["a person's name", "the name of a place", "the plural of a noun", "another name"] }, {"story":"Once upon a time, a %s hero called %s was sent to %s, tio defeat a %s %s. He did so, return to defeat %s", "prompts": ["an adjective", "a person's name", "a place", "an adjective", "a noun", "another place"], }, {"story":"The ultimate pizza recipe. \n\n Moix one packet of %s with three spoonfuls of flour. Knead it as it %s then put the %s and %s on it, after that open the oven and %s it.", "prompts": ["a noun", "an adjective", "another noun", "yet another noun", "adjective"] } ] # Dictionaries storiesvar current_storyonready var PlayerText= $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/PlayerTextonready var DisplayText= $VBoxContainer/DisplayTextfunc _ready(): randomize() current_story=template[randi()% template.size()] set_current_story() DisplayText.text="Welcome all of u in the world of game and have a wondeful time!" check_player_words_length() PlayerText.grab_focus()func set_current_story(): randomize() current_story=template[randi()% template.size()] func _on_PlayerText_text_entered(new_text): add_to_player_words()func _on_TextureButton_pressed(): if is_story_done():get_tree().reload_current_scene() else:add_to_player_words() func add_to_player_words(): player_words.append(PlayerText.text) DisplayText.text="" PlayerText.clear() check_player_words_length()func is_story_done(): return player_words.size() == current_story.prompts.size()func check_player_words_length(): if is_story_done():end_game() else:prompt_player()func tell_story(): DisplayText.text= current_story.story % player_wordsfunc prompt_player(): DisplayText.text += "May I have" +current_story.prompts[player_words.size()]+"please?"func end_game(): PlayerText.queue_free() $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/Label.text="Again!" tell_story()

在输出部分, 我们将有许多故事不断出现。我们只需要添加我们的话。




在下一个教程中, 我们将学习StoryObjects。
