
了解如何在浏览器中使用 JavaScript 轻松生成提示音。


A.使用浏览器的AudioContext如何使用JavaScript生成Beep声音?借助浏览器的AudioContext类(通过 Web Audio API),模拟 Beep 声音的第一个选项是使用纯 JavaScript 生成音频。此接口表示由链接在一起的音频模块构建的音频处理图,每个模块由一个 AudioNode 表示。
根据 Mozilla 开发者网络,音频上下文控制其包含的节点的创建和音频处理或解码的执行。你需要在做任何其他事情之前创建一个 AudioContext,因为一切都发生在一个上下文中。建议创建一个 AudioContext 并重用它,而不是每次都初始化一个新的,并且可以同时为多个不同的音频源和管道使用单个 AudioContext。
// The browser will limit the number of concurrent audio contexts // So be sure to re-use them whenever you can const myAudioContext = new AudioContext(); /** * Helper function to emit a beep sound in the browser using the Web Audio API. * * @param {number} duration - The duration of the beep sound in milliseconds. * @param {number} frequency - The frequency of the beep sound. * @param {number} volume - The volume of the beep sound. * * @returns {Promise} - A promise that resolves when the beep sound is finished. */ function beep(duration, frequency, volume){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Set default duration if not provided duration = duration || 200; frequency = frequency || 440; volume = volume || 100; try{ let oscillatorNode = myAudioContext.createOscillator(); let gainNode = myAudioContext.createGain(); oscillatorNode.connect(gainNode); // Set the oscillator frequency in hertz oscillatorNode.frequency.value = https://www.lsbin.com/frequency; // Set the type of oscillator oscillatorNode.type="square"; gainNode.connect(myAudioContext.destination); // Set the gain to the volume gainNode.gain.value = https://www.lsbin.com/volume * 0.01; // Start audio with the desired duration oscillatorNode.start(myAudioContext.currentTime); oscillatorNode.stop(myAudioContext.currentTime + duration * 0.001); // Resolve the promise when the sound is finished oscillatorNode.onended = () => { resolve(); }; }catch(error){ reject(error); } }); }

// Simple beep beep( // Set the duration to 0.2 second (200 milliseconds) 200, // Set the frequency of the note to A4 (440 Hz) 440, // Set the volume of the beep to 100% 100 );


你也可以创建可链接的“哔哔声”,因为实现使用 JavaScript Promises:
function delay(duration) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => resolve(), duration); }); }// Emit a set of beeps // to simulate a Ready, Set, Go! // It goes like: // (low pitch) Beep // (1 second silence) // (low pitch) Beep // (1 second silence) // (low pitch) Beep // (1 second silence) // (higher pitch) Beep!!!Promise.resolve() .then(() => beep()) .then(() => delay(1000)) .then(() => beep()) .then(() => delay(1000)) .then(() => beep()) .then(() => delay(1000)) .then(() => beep(200, 870));

关于 JavaScript 的 AudioContext 中的频率和音高的详细解释,我建议你阅读来自 Teropa 的这篇文章。你也可以更改音频节点的波形类型:
  • 正弦
  • 正方形
  • 锯齿
  • 三角形
你可以阅读有关波形的另一个很酷的教程是 Josh W. Comeau 的 Waveforms 文章。
你可以在以下 Fiddle 中测试此哔声:
B. 播放自定义音频文件JavaScript如何生成Beep(通知)声音?你拥有的另一种选择,以防你的“哔”声需要更复杂,例如“房间里的汤米·威索(Tommy Wiseau)的“你只是一只鸡”:
你也可以这样做,随意在你的软件中做任何你想做的事!但严重的是,根据你的应用程序的需要,你可以使用 Web Audio API 创建的哔声可能不是最好的。
JavaScript生成Beep声音的方法:如果你已经有一个带有通知声音的 MP3 或 WAV 音频文件,你可以使用纯 JavaScript 将其作为提示音播放。以下函数使用你自己的自定义音频文件表示上述逻辑:
/** * Helper function to emit a beep sound in the browser using an Audio File. * * @param {number} volume - The volume of the beep sound. * * @returns {Promise} - A promise that resolves when the beep sound is finished. */ function beep(volume){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { volume = volume || 100; try{ // You're in charge of providing a valid AudioFile that can be reached by your web app let soundSource = "https://www.w3schools.com/html/horse.mp3"; let sound = new Audio(soundSource); // Set volume sound.volume = volume / 100; sound.onended = () => { resolve(); }; sound.play(); }catch(error){ reject(error); } }); }

如何使用JavaScript生成Beep声音?这个实现允许你创建一个链,就像使用 Web Audio API 的 beep 实现一样:
function delay(duration) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => resolve(), duration); }); }// Emit 3 horse neighs subsequently! Promise.resolve() .then(() => beep()) .then(() => delay(1000)) .then(() => beep()) .then(() => delay(1000)) .then(() => beep()) .then(() => delay(1000)) .then(() => beep());

