

  • C ++
  • Java
  • Python3
  • C#
  • C ++
At each node, link children of same parent from left to right. Parent should be linked with only first child.

Left Child Right Sibling tree representation 10 | 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 || 67 -> 8 -> 9

C ++
//CPP program to create a tree with left child //right sibling representation. #include< bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct Node { int data; struct Node *next; struct Node *child; }; //Creating new Node Node* newNode( int data) { Node *newNode = new Node; newNode-> next = newNode-> child = NULL; newNode-> data = https://www.lsbin.com/data; return newNode; }//Adds a sibling to a list with starting with n Node *addSibling(Node *n, int data) { if (n == NULL) return NULL; while (n-> next) n = n-> next; return (n-> next = newNode(data)); }//Add child Node to a Node Node *addChild(Node * n, int data) { if (n == NULL) return NULL; //Check if child list is not empty. if (n-> child) return addSibling(n-> child, data); else return (n-> child = newNode(data)); }//Traverses tree in depth first order void traverseTree(Node * root) { if (root == NULL) return ; while (root) { cout < <" " < < root-> data; if (root-> child) traverseTree(root-> child); root = root-> next; } }//Driver codeint main() { /*Let us create below tree *10 */ /\\ *2345 *|/| \ *6789*///Left child right sibling /*10 *| *2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 *|| *67 -> 8 -> 9*/ Node *root = newNode(10); Node *n1= addChild(root, 2); Node *n2= addChild(root, 3); Node *n3= addChild(root, 4); Node *n4= addChild(n3, 6); Node *n5= addChild(root, 5); Node *n6= addChild(n5, 7); Node *n7= addChild(n5, 8); Node *n8= addChild(n5, 9); traverseTree(root); return 0; }

//CPP program to create a tree with left child //right sibling representation. class GFG {static class NodeTemp { int data; NodeTemp next, child; public NodeTemp( int data) { this .data = https://www.lsbin.com/data; next = child = null ; } }//Adds a sibling to a list with starting with n static public NodeTemp addSibling(NodeTemp node, int data) { if (node == null ) return null ; while (node.next != null ) node = node.next; return (node.next = new NodeTemp(data)); }//Add child Node to a Node static public NodeTemp addChild(NodeTemp node, int data) { if (node == null ) return null ; //Check if child is not empty. if (node.child != null ) return (addSibling(node.child, data)); else return (node.child = new NodeTemp(data)); }//Traverses tree in depth first order static public void traverseTree(NodeTemp root) { if (root == null ) return ; while (root != null ) { System.out.print(root.data +" " ); if (root.child != null ) traverseTree(root.child); root = root.next; } }//Driver code public static void main(String args[]) {/*Let us create below tree *10 */ /\\ *2345 *|/| \ *6789*///Left child right sibling /*10 *| *2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 *|| *67 -> 8 -> 9*/NodeTemp root = new NodeTemp( 10 ); NodeTemp n1 = addChild(root, 2 ); NodeTemp n2 = addChild(root, 3 ); NodeTemp n3 = addChild(root, 4 ); NodeTemp n4 = addChild(n3, 6 ); NodeTemp n5 = addChild(root, 5 ); NodeTemp n6 = addChild(n5, 7 ); NodeTemp n7 = addChild(n5, 8 ); NodeTemp n8 = addChild(n5, 9 ); traverseTree(root); } }//This code is contributed by M.V.S.Surya Teja.

# Python3 program to create a tree with # left child right sibling representation. # Creating new Node class newNode: def __init__( self , data): self . Next = self .child = None self .data = https://www.lsbin.com/data# Adds a sibling to a list with # starting with n def addSibling(n, data): if (n = = None ): return Nonewhile (n. Next ): n = n. Next n. Next = newNode(data) return n. Next# Add child Node to a Node def addChild(n, data): if (n = = None ): return None# Check if child list is not empty. if (n.child): return addSibling(n.child, data) else : n.child = newNode(data) return n.child# Traverses tree in depth first order def traverseTree(root): if (root = = None ): returnwhile (root): print (root.data, end =" " ) if (root.child): traverseTree(root.child) root = root. Next# Driver code if __name__ = = '__main__' :# Let us create below tree #10 #//\ \ # 2 34 5 #| /| \ #6 7 8 9 # Left child right sibling # 10 # | # 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 #| | #6 7 -> 8 -> 9 root = newNode( 10 ) n1 = addChild(root, 2 ) n2 = addChild(root, 3 ) n3 = addChild(root, 4 ) n4 = addChild(n3, 6 ) n5 = addChild(root, 5 ) n6 = addChild(n5, 7 ) n7 = addChild(n5, 8 ) n8 = addChild(n5, 9 ) traverseTree(root)# This code is contributed by pranchalK

//C# program to create a tree with left //child right sibling representation. using System; class GFG { public class NodeTemp { public int data; public NodeTemp next, child; public NodeTemp( int data) { this .data = https://www.lsbin.com/data; next = child = null ; } }//Adds a sibling to a list with //starting with n public static NodeTemp addSibling(NodeTemp node, int data) { if (node == null ) { return null ; } while (node.next != null ) { node = node.next; } return (node.next = new NodeTemp(data)); }//Add child Node to a Node public static NodeTemp addChild(NodeTemp node, int data) { if (node == null ) { return null ; }//Check if child is not empty. if (node.child != null ) { return (addSibling(node.child, data)); } else { return (node.child = new NodeTemp(data)); } }//Traverses tree in depth first order public static void traverseTree(NodeTemp root) { if (root == null ) { return ; } while (root != null ) { Console.Write(root.data +" " ); if (root.child != null ) { traverseTree(root.child); } root = root.next; } }//Driver code public static void Main( string [] args) {/* Let us create below tree *10 *//\ \ * 2 34 5 *| /| \ *6 7 8 9 *///Left child right sibling /* 10 * | * 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 *| | *6 7 -> 8 -> 9 */NodeTemp root = new NodeTemp(10); NodeTemp n1 = addChild(root, 2); NodeTemp n2 = addChild(root, 3); NodeTemp n3 = addChild(root, 4); NodeTemp n4 = addChild(n3, 6); NodeTemp n5 = addChild(root, 5); NodeTemp n6 = addChild(n5, 7); NodeTemp n7 = addChild(n5, 8); NodeTemp n8 = addChild(n5, 9); traverseTree(root); } }//This code is contributed by Shrikant13

10 2 3 4 6 5 7 8 9

C ++
//CPP program to create a tree with left child //right sibling representation. #include < bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct Node { int data; struct Node* next; struct Node* child; }; //Creating new Node Node* newNode( int data) { Node* newNode = new Node; newNode-> next = newNode-> child = NULL; newNode-> data = https://www.lsbin.com/data; return newNode; }//Adds a sibling to a list with starting with n Node* addSibling(Node* n, int data) { if (n == NULL) return NULL; while (n-> next) n = n-> next; return (n-> next = newNode(data)); }//Add child Node to a Node Node* addChild(Node* n, int data) { if (n == NULL) return NULL; //Check if child list is not empty. if (n-> child) return addSibling(n-> child, data); else return (n-> child = newNode(data)); }//Traverses tree in level order void traverseTree(Node* root) { //Corner cases if (root == NULL) return ; cout < < root-> data < <" " ; if (root-> child == NULL) return ; //Create a queue and enque root queue< Node*> q; Node* curr = root-> child; q.push(curr); while (!q.empty()) {//Take out an item from the queue curr = q.front(); q.pop(); //Print next level of taken out item and enque //next level's children while (curr != NULL) { cout < < curr-> data < < " " ; if (curr-> child != NULL) { q.push(curr-> child); } curr = curr-> next; } } }//Driver code int main() { Node* root = newNode(10); Node* n1 = addChild(root, 2); Node* n2 = addChild(root, 3); Node* n3 = addChild(root, 4); Node* n4 = addChild(n3, 6); Node* n5 = addChild(root, 5); Node* n6 = addChild(n5, 7); Node* n7 = addChild(n5, 8); Node* n8 = addChild(n5, 9); traverseTree(root); return 0; }

10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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