实战经验分享(使用 PyO3 来构建你的 Python 模块)

PyO3 主要用于创建原生 Python 的扩展模块。PyO3 还支持从 Rust 二进制文件运行 Python 代码并与之交互,可以实现 rust 与 Python 代码共存。在一些对性能要求较高的模块上,可以考虑使用 PyO3 构建对应的功能模块。PyO3 的功能分离,不用过多担心模块之间的耦合性,并且在速度上能有一定的提升。
github地址: https://github.com/PyO3/pyo3

  • Python 3.6+
  • Rust 1.41+
接下来我们通过一个小的 demo 了解一下从 PyO3 编译模块到 Python 中正常使用的整个流程。
cargo new --lib string-sum

# lib.rs [package] name = "string-sum" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2018"[lib] name = "string_sum" # "cdylib" is necessary to produce a shared library for Python to import from. # # Downstream Rust code (including code in `bin/`, `examples/`, and `tests/`) will not be able # to `use string_sum; ` unless the "rlib" or "lib" crate type is also included, e.g.: # crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"] crate-type = ["cdylib"][dependencies.pyo3] version = "0.14.1" features = ["extension-module"] // 扩展模块,像其他的还有auto-initialize

// src/lib.rs use std::usize; usepyo3::prelude::*; // like this // def sum_as_string(a:str, b:str) -> str: //return a+b #[pyfunction] fn sum_as_string(a: usize, b: usize) -> PyResult{ Ok((a+b).to_string()) }// Mount method to module #[pymodule] fn string_sum(py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()>{ m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(sum_as_string, m)?)?; Ok(()) }

编译与使用 编译完成之后,我们会在 target 文件夹下面发现一个 wheel 文件。文件名组合为 “模块名 + 当前 Python 版本+当前系统型号”,比如:string_sum-0.1.0-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_7_x86_64.whl
pip3 install ./target/wheel/string_sum-0.1.0-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_7_x86_64.whl

创建 python 文件:
# example.py from string_sum import sum_as_string print(sum_as_string(1,2)) # echo 3

  • rust 写的 maturin
  • 传统的setup.py的方式
使用 maturin 编译
# 安装 pip3 install maturin # 编译 maturin build # maturin publish 发布 # 虚拟环境中使用 会自动去寻找/target/wheel/ 下的 *.wheel文件然后安装 virtualenv venv source ./venv/bin/activate maturin develop

使用 setup.py 编译
# 安装 pip3 install setuptools-rust

编写 setup.py 文件:
# setup.pyfrom setuptools import setup from setuptools_rust import Binding, RustExtensionsetup( # 包名称 name="string_sum", # 包版本 version="0.1", # rust扩展 其中"string_sum.string_sum"中 # 第一个string_sum 指的是当前的包 # 第二个指的是 # #[pymodule] # fn string_sum(py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()>{ #m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(sum_as_string, m)?)?; #Ok(()) # } # 中的string_sum rust_extensions=[ RustExtension( "string_sum.string_sum", binding=Binding.PyO3, debug=False ) ], # 需要创建一个文件夹 string_sum packages=["string_sum"], # rust extensions are not zip safe, just like C-extensions. zip_safe=False, # 标注 classifiers=[ "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Programming Language :: Python", "Programming Language :: Rust", "Operating System :: POSIX", "Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X", ], include_package_data=https://www.it610.com/article/True )

# 打包 mkdir string_sum touch string_sum/__init__.py virtualenv venv && source venv/bin/activate pip setup.py build && pip setup.py install && pip setup.py develop

实战经验分享(使用 PyO3 来构建你的 Python 模块)

实战经验分享(使用 PyO3 来构建你的 Python 模块)

docker 中的应用
同样的,如果创建的 App 本身是在 docker 内部运行的。那么第一步我们需要安装 rust 的环境 dockerfile。具体如下:
#!/bin/bash curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | bash -s -- -y source $HOME/.cargo/env rustc --version python setup.py install

# ddockerfile FROM python:3.7 WORKDIR /app ADD . /app RUN pip install --upgrade pip \ && pip install -r requirements.txt RUN ./init.sh CMD [python, xx.py]

# requirements.txt semantic-version==2.8.5 setuptools-rust==0.12.1 toml==0.10.2

# rust国内镜像源 config # /root/.cargo/config [source.crates-io] registry = "https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index" replace-with = 'ustc' [source.ustc] registry = "git://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/crates.io-index" [term] verbose = true color = 'auto'

-rw-r--r-- Cargo.lock -rw-r--r-- Cargo.toml -rw-r--r-- config# 配置文件 -rw-r--r-- Dockerfile -rwxrwxrwx init.sh# 初始化rust环境脚本 -rw-r--r-- requirements.txt -rw-r--r-- setup.py# 打包脚本 drwxr-xr-x src# rust项目 drwxr-xr-x string_sum -rw-r--r-- xx.py# 可行性测试文件

用 PyO3 写一个 Python 的rsa加解密包 看过之前的文章的小伙伴《灵魂画手:漫画图解 SSH》 ,应该对 rsa 的整个加解密流程有所了解啦。那我们不妨用 PyO3 来构建一个 Python 的 rsa 加解密包。使用场景如下:
github 地址: https://github.com/hzjsea/pyo...
【实战经验分享(使用 PyO3 来构建你的 Python 模块)】后续又扩展了一些内容,比如 MD5 加密,签名等等。
# 自动化脚本 #!/bin/bashecho "init......"# set python version # INSTALL_PYTHON_VERSION=python3.6find_python() { set +e unset BEST_VERSION for V in 37 3.7 38 3.8 39 3.9 3; do if which python$V >/dev/null; then if [ "$BEST_VERSION" = "" ]; then BEST_VERSION=$V fi fi done echo $BEST_VERSION set -e }if [ "$INSTALL_PYTHON_VERSION" = "" ]; then INSTALL_PYTHON_VERSION=$(find_python) fi# This fancy syntax sets INSTALL_PYTHON_PATH to "python3.7", unless # INSTALL_PYTHON_VERSION is defined. # If INSTALL_PYTHON_VERSION equals 3.8, then INSTALL_PYTHON_PATH becomes python3.8 # 找不到就python3.7 INSTALL_PYTHON_PATH=python${INSTALL_PYTHON_VERSION:-3.7} echo $INSTALL_PYTHON_PATHecho "Python version is $INSTALL_PYTHON_VERSION" $INSTALL_PYTHON_PATH -m venv venv if [ ! -f "activate" ]; then ln -s venv/bin/activate . fi. ./activatepython -m pip install --upgrade pip python -m pip install wheel python -m pip install -r ./requirements.txt maturin build maturin developcurrent_shell=$(echo $SHELL) if current_shell=/bin/bash; then echo"PASS: source /venv/bin/activate >> ~/.bashrc" elif current_shell=/bin/zsh; then echo "PASS: source /venv/bin/activate >> ~/.zshrc" fi

//src/lib.rs 文件 use std::u32; use pyo3::prelude::*; use openssl::rsa::{Padding,Rsa}; const SECRET: &'static str = "CHFfxQA3tqEZgKusgwZjmI5lFsoZxXGXnQLA97oYga2M33sLwREZyy1mWCM8GIIA"; mod crypto_utils { use hmac::{Hmac, Mac, NewMac}; use sha2::Sha256; use std::fmt::Write; type Hmacsha256 = Hmac; fn encode_hex(bytes: &[u8]) -> String { let mut s = String::with_capacity(bytes.len() * 2); for &b in bytes { match write!(&mut s, "{:02x}", b) { Ok(_) => {}, Err(_) => {} }; } s }pub fn hash_hmac(secret: &str, msg: &str) -> String { let mut mac = Hmacsha256::new_from_slice(secret.as_bytes()).expect("HMAC can take key of any size"); mac.update(msg.as_bytes()); let result = mac.finalize(); let code_bytes = result.into_bytes(); encode_hex(&code_bytes) }}// create public/private keycreate_key(1024) fn create_key(len:u32) -> (String,String){ let rsa = openssl::rsa::Rsa::generate(len).unwrap(); let pubkey = String::from_utf8(rsa.public_key_to_pem().unwrap()).unwrap(); let prikey= String::from_utf8(rsa.private_key_to_pem().unwrap()).unwrap(); (pubkey, prikey) }#[pyclass] struct Crypto { // #[pyo3(get, set)] // pubkey: String, // #[pyo3(get,set)] // prikey: String, pub_key: Rsa, pri_key: Rsa }#[pyfunction] fn generate_key(len:u32) -> (String, String){ create_key(len) }#[pymethods] impl Crypto { #[new] pub fn __new__(pubkey: &str,prikey: &str) -> Self { Crypto { // pubkey: pubkey.to_owned(), // prikey: prikey.to_owned(), pub_key: Rsa::public_key_from_pem(pubkey.as_bytes()).unwrap(), pri_key: Rsa::private_key_from_pem(prikey.as_bytes()).unwrap(), } }// public decrypt pub fn public_decrypt(&self, msg:&str) -> String { let mut out: [u8; 4096] = [0; 4096]; let decoded = openssl::base64::decode_block(msg).unwrap(); if let Ok(size) = self.pub_key.public_decrypt(&decoded, &mut out, Padding::PKCS1) { let real_size = if size > 4096 {4096} else {size}; // openssl::base64::encode_block(&out[..real_size]) String::from_utf8(out[..real_size].to_vec()).unwrap() } else { String::default() } }// public encrypt pub fn public_encrypt(&self, msg:&str) -> String { let mut out: [u8; 4096] = [0; 4096]; if let Ok(size) = self.pub_key.public_encrypt(msg.as_bytes(), &mut out, Padding::PKCS1) { let real_size = if size > 4096 {4096}else{size}; openssl::base64::encode_block(&out[..real_size]) } else { String::default() } }// private encrypt pub fn private_encrypt(&self, msg:&str) -> String{ let mut out: [u8; 4096] = [0; 4096]; if let Ok(size) = self.pri_key.private_encrypt(msg.as_bytes(), &mut out, Padding::PKCS1) { let real_size = if size > 4096 {4096}else{size}; openssl::base64::encode_block(&out[..real_size]) } else { String::default() } }// private decrypt pub fn private_decrypt(&self, msg: &str) -> String{ let mut out: [u8; 4096] = [0; 4096]; let decoded = openssl::base64::decode_block(msg).unwrap(); if let Ok(size) = self.pri_key.private_decrypt(&decoded, &mut out, Padding::PKCS1) { let real_size = if size > 4096 {4096} else {size}; // openssl::base64::encode_block(&out[..real_size]) String::from_utf8(out[..real_size].to_vec()).unwrap() } else { String::default() } }// sign pub fn sign(&self, msg: &str) ->String { crypto_utils::hash_hmac(SECRET, msg) } }#[pymodule] fn yacrypto(_py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> { m.add_class::()?; m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(generate_key, m)?).unwrap(); Ok(()) }#[cfg(test)] mod tests { use base64; #[test] fn works(){// create rsa let rsa = openssl::rsa::Rsa::generate(1024).unwrap(); // create public key let public_key = rsa.public_key_to_pem().unwrap(); println!("{:?}", String::from_utf8(public_key.clone())); let private_key = rsa.private_key_to_pem().unwrap(); let data = "https://www.it610.com/article/hellowo/n/t/rrld"; // public encrypt let mut buf:Vec = vec![0; rsa.size() as usize]; let rsa_pub = openssl::rsa::Rsa::public_key_from_pem(&public_key).unwrap(); let _ = rsa_pub.public_encrypt(data.as_bytes(), &mut buf , openssl::rsa::Padding::PKCS1); // private decrypt => let data = https://www.it610.com/article/buf; let mut buf:Vec = vec![0; rsa.size() as usize]; let rsa_pri= openssl::rsa::Rsa::private_key_from_pem(&private_key).unwrap(); if let Ok(size) = rsa_pri.private_decrypt(&data, &mut buf, openssl::rsa::Padding::PKCS1){ let real_size = if size > 1024 {1024} else {size}; let buf = &buf[..real_size]; let base64_string = openssl::base64::encode_block(&buf); let result = base64::decode(base64_string); println!("{:?}",result); // println!("buf => {:?}",openssl::base64::encode_block(&buf))let echo_str = String::from_utf8((&buf).to_vec()).unwrap(); println!("{:?}",echo_str); } } }

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